Both hemp and cotton are natural fibers that we are familiar with.
However, from the perspective of environmental protection, HEMP has obvious advantages over cotton.
It takes 9758 liters of water to produce 1 kg of cotton, but only 343 liters of water for the same hemp. The water demand of hemp is significantly lower than that of cotton, while the water consumption of cotton for processing the same shirt is 4 times that of hemp!
Hemp is known as the "killer of weeds". The luxuriant hemp can control the weeds around it, or even "strangle it in the cradle", which also means there is no need to use strong chemical herbicides; hemp can also naturally reduce pests, so it usually does not require pesticides; In addition, hemp can return 60-70% of nutrients to the soil.
Compared with hemp, cotton is a heavy fertilizer and heavy agent. The pesticide consumed by cotton alone accounts for 25% of the world's total pesticide consumption every year. Due to large amounts of fertilization, the unabsorbed fertilizer in the irrigated cotton field flows from the surface, causing water pollution.
Synthetic fibers account for 58% of the world's textiles, and 70 million barrels of oil are consumed annually to meet people's demand for synthetic fiber textiles. These oils are non renewable and emit a large amount of carbon when they are produced, recycled or destroyed.
Although we believe that cotton is a viable alternative to synthetic fiber, this plant still needs a lot of fertilizer. One study estimated that the production of 1 ton of nitrogen fertilizer would emit 7 tons of carbon dioxide. Therefore, cotton manufacturing has at least as many problems as it solves. In addition, a large part of fabrics are burned as waste materials, which will emit carbon, smoke and other greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
The carbon absorbed by hemp is more than that required for production of hemp. One acre of hemp can store more than 9.82 tons of carbon dioxide during its life span. Hemp fiber is one of the strongest natural fibers. After each washing, hemp fabric will become softer and more durable than any natural or synthetic fabric.
Even in the further processing stage, hemp fabric does not need any fossil fuel or non renewable resources, which makes it a very clean fabric. The recycled hemp fabric can also be reused to make hemp paper and other fiber products, which extends the life cycle of hemp and makes it a more productive plant.
Hemp is beneficial to the environment from beginning to end, and its own characteristics are also commendable:
→ Durable
→ Breathable, moisture wicking
→ Antibacterial
→ UV protection
→ Hypoallergenic
At present, hemp only accounts for 1% of the clothing industry, but with the continuous strengthening of people's environmental awareness and the energy storage of sustainable topics, HEMP will also usher in its highlight moment!
Contact: Rainbow
Phone: 86-186 6972 5261
Whatsapp:86-180 1993 2889
Add: No.26,Liuhaohe Rd 1st, Jimo,Qingdao,Shandong,China
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